Saturday, 22 January 2011

Table Mountain

Started the walk up Table Mountain yesterday morn, heading through Kirstenbosch Gardens. The plan being to walk up from there, on one side of the mountain, make my way across the top to the cable car station and head down from there.Apparently it was gonna take me four hours.
The first bit didn't go too bad apart from the obvious attack on my lungs and  I was pretty much sweating buckets within about 20 mins.Trust me to pick the day when it was 28 degrees. Anyways made it through all the tree cover to the top and came out at Breakfast Rock, took a right a started to find my way to McClears Beacon, the highest point on the mountain top.After about 10mins the clouds started coming in and the path became a bit difficult to follow.After making a few wrong turns and running out of path I got there and was completely in the clouds, the winds were blasting too. From the distance I heard the warning foghorn going off.shit.Forgot a jacket too.balls. No point hanging round though, had to get there.
 Started on the path there, only to find myself on another path which seemed to running a bit too close to the edge of the mountain.Wind was picking up too.Heard another foghorn.
 Eventually after about an hour of this i started to hear sounds, thank god I was getting the end. Coming out on the other side was a relief as it would've been a bit rubbish getting stuck up there. From the station you could see the clouds pouring over the top, looked absolutely mental, couldnt believe I'd just walked through it.The breaks in the clouds showed some amazing views, really wanted to stay up there for a while as the plan was to get the last cablecar down after sunset.Would've looked amazing from up there. Unfortunately though the winds picked up even more and they had to close the mountain, sending everydown asap.Shame but still an awesome day.
  Then went out and got battered again.Strong.



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